
If you are especially interested in looking at my artistic experiments in Photoshop, I would also suggest you to vist my PC-graphic-page 


Nord-Vest er bedst III


Another amateur-pictures tale from a lovely walk in my neighbour-hood Jan 2015


Utterslev Mose



Nord-Vest er bedst II


Another amateur-pictures tale from a lovely walk in my neighbour-hood


From Bispebjerg Cemetary Okt 2014

The Childrens Graves-Area

Destroying the old nice beautifull allé from Grundtvigs-Church at Bispepbjerg Torv
to Utterslev Mose. Compare with my former photo-serie of my hometown : Bispebjerg Beaty by Being/Nord Vest er bedst.. They say the trees are being torn down and replaces with some new ones, because of age. I think bad exuse for destroying. The elder one have been ther for decades! Nothing wrong with them! Stupidity!

The Former Allé with the high huge beautifull trees 

From this platform the soul of the dead ones departure...
Bon voyage...

The Boat-Stone

Entering Utterslev Mose

Some are appearently trying to make a boot-tree grow here...

Today we can also catch wet plastic-bags instead of fish.

Swan Sea
Ugly Ducklings...

The Whistling Tree

Another storm-taken tree 2013 or 2014 

More Allé-destruction...



The Kite-day 

Sep 2014



Trip to Iceland 2003 - Moms home-country

The Little crippled creature in the snow


The wicked witch in the snow

Mountainside - Oxnadalur


From trip to Grimsey at the Polar Circle


Bispebjerg-Beauty by being 


Nord-Vest Er Beds

Et billed-epos på 94 billeder af min bydel gennem 20 år.
A pictures tale of my neighbourhood (NV-Copenhagen) in 20 years.


Click on any picture to see in a diasshow in an enlarged scale.
Klik på billedet og se det i forstørrelse i et diasshow.

Det Gamle Kapel/Krematorium Bispebjerg Kirkegård.
I dag forvandlet til moderne danse-sal/Danse-Teater

Old Chapel Bispebjerg Cemetary.
Today transformed to practising platform and stage for modern dancing.

Toppen af FSB's berømte sociale boligbyggeri Bispeparken
med den smukke karakteristiske arkitektur
gule sten med rødt tegl-tag 
som indgår i naturlig dialog med Grundtvigskirken oa.
 heroppe på Bispebjerg Torv

The top Buildings of a huge (3 Streets) very famous social-build
(Relatively high-quality low-cost-renting-apartments in NV-Copenhagen)
with characteristic yellow bricks and red-clayed roofs

which fits naturally in with the huge Church of Grundtvig
at Bispebjerg Torv.

Grundtvigs Kirke
Bispebjerg Torv.


The Shadow

Hvis træerne havde fødder og ku' gå og tale...
If trees had feet and could walk - and talk...

Den væltede og oversavede stamme fra stormen 2000 skriger stadig forgæves af smerte.
We can still hear the scream in vain in pain from the broken tree storm 2000 took.

De har set mig...
They have seen me...

Fru Birk.
Mrs Tree.


Phreaking phantastic Photoshop.

(The above picture inversed colours)


Our local crocodile...
Vores lokale krokodille i Utterslev Mose...


Beware! Another hidden crocodile! - And yet another one behind too!!
Pas på krokodillerne i Utterslev Mose!!


I, Martin E. Haastrup, hereby claim to be,
both the original manufacturer,
 and/or legally original owner of
all physical art-materiel,
 all text and poems,
all amateur photos,
all computer-graphics,
and computer-animations

And also,

 the original creator,
and legally owner 
every original physical photo of that art-material

- as well as the original creator and owner of
all electronic copies

of these same physical photos
of that physical art-material
- displayed on this blog, Kunst og Keramik -
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You may freely copy and distribute/share
any electronic photo/picture/poem/animation 
from this copy-collection on the internet
as long as neither you
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make any profit from it.

And also, as long as you, and those you distribute to
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my full name signature : Martin E. Haastrup
and this blogs internet-adress -

You are not allowed to physically print or use 
any poetic or photo-or other pictorial-material from this blog 
outside the internet 
without the creator's written consent. 

