
I, Martin E. Haastrup, hereby claim to be,
both the original manufacturer,
 and/or legally original owner of
all physical art-materiel,
 all text and poems,
all amateur photos,
all computer-graphics,
and computer-animations

And also,

 the original creator,
and legally owner 
every original physical photo of that art-material

- as well as the original creator and owner of
all electronic copies

of these same physical photos
of that physical art-material
- displayed on this blog, Kunst og Keramik -
on the internet-adress : 

You may freely copy and distribute/share
any electronic photo/picture/poem/animation 
from this copy-collection on the internet
as long as neither you
nor those you distribute to
make any profit from it.

And also, as long as you, and those you distribute to
mention or leave untouched
my full name signature : Martin E. Haastrup
and this blogs internet-adress -

You are not allowed to physically print or use 
any poetic or photo-or other pictorial-material from this blog 
outside the internet 
without the creator's written consent. 


You are only allowed to physically print and/or use 
outside the internet
any poetic material from my collection 'Metafysisk Einstein' 
for personal and/or educational 
non-commercial and non-profit use
without the creator's written consent. 



Hvis du vil støtte min digteriske virksomhed
kan 'Metafysisk Einstein' købes for 100.- Dk Kr.

Materialet sendes i ca 75 siders løsblad-kopi-format i plast-chateque
med posten. Modtager betaler porto.


If you want to support my poetic enterprise
please buy 'Metafysisk Einstein' 100.- Dk Kr.

You will recieve an apx 75 raw-copy-pages format
in a plast-folder by postal delivery.
Recievers pay.







I, Martin E. Haastrup, hereby claim to be,
both the original manufacturer,
 and/or legally original owner of
all physical art-materiel,
 all text and poems,
all amateur photos,
all computer-graphics,
and computer-animations

And also,

 the original creator,
and legally owner 
every original physical photo of that art-material

- as well as the original creator and owner of
all electronic copies

of these same physical photos
of that physical art-material
- displayed on this blog, Kunst og Keramik -
on the internet-adress : 

You may freely copy and distribute/share
any electronic photo/picture/poem/animation 
from this copy-collection on the internet
as long as neither you
nor those you distribute to
make any profit from it.

And also, as long as you, and those you distribute to
mention or leave untouched
my full name signature : Martin E. Haastrup
and this blogs internet-adress -

You are not allowed to physically print or use 
any poetic or photo-or other pictorial-material from this blog 
outside the internet 
without the creator's written consent. 


